수술명별(대분류) 퇴원환자수

퇴원환자 수술명별

(단위 :건)
Chapter 수술명 주수술 부수술 합계
1 Operations on the nervous system(01-05) 340 32 372
2 Operations on the endocrine system(06-07) 203 41 244
3 Operations on the eye(08-16) 1,172 1,233 2,405
4 Operations on the ear(18-20) 267 124 391
5 Operations on the nose, mouth, and pharynx(21-29) 869 643 1,512
6 Operations on the respiratory system(30-34) 311 136 447
7 Operations on the cardiovascular system(35-39) 412 41 453
8 Operations on the hemic and lymphatic system(40-41) 40 300 340
9 Operations on the digestive system(42-54) 2,110 583 2,693
10 Operations on the urinary system(55-59) 556 54 610
11 Operations on the male genital organs(60-64) 217 29 246
12 Operations on the female genital organs(65-71) 759 228 987
13 Obstetrical procedure(72-75) 97 2 99
14 Operations on the musculoskeletal system(76-84) 2,828 1,002 3,830
15 Operations on the integumentary system(85-86) 521 162 683
16 Miscellaneous diagnostic and therapeutic procedure(87-99) 18 66 84
합계 10,720 4,676 15,396