2023,공동저자,International Journal of Integrated Care ,SCI/SCIE 한국형 환자중심 재택의료 통합서비스 모델 / Patient-Centered Integrated Model of Home Health Care Services in South Korea (PICS-K)
2022,공동저자,일산병원학술지, 기타국내 유아기 항균제 노출과 소아 비만 위험도 간의 연관성 / Association between Exposure to Antimicrobials in Infancy and the Risk of Childhood Obesity
2020, 교신저자, Korean Journal of Family Medicine, KCI 기타국외 Association of Hand Grip Strength and Cardiometabolic Markers in Korean Adult Population: The Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2015-2016
2015, 공동저자, Korean J Family Practice, 2015:5(3) : 375-420, KCI 대한민국 성인에서 대사증후군의 예방 및 치료