2023,제1저자,Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Researceh,SCI/SCIE Evaluation of lateral and anterior center-edge angles according to sex and anterior pelvic plane tilt angle: a three-dimensional quantitative analysis
2021,공동저자,Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy,SCI/SCIE Graft isometry during anatomical ACL reconstruction has little effect on surgical outcomes
2020,공동저자,Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy,SCI/SCIE Femoral trochlear morphology is associated with anterior cruciate ligament injury in skeletally immature patients
2020,공동저자,Diagnostics,SCI/SCIE Is computed tomography necessary for diagnostic workup in displaced pediatric medial epicondyle fracture?
2020,공동저자,Journal of Clnical Medicine,SCI/SCIE One-stage extension shortening osteotomy for syndromic camptodactyly