UCLA Medical center, orthopedic hospital, Santa Monica 연수
UCLA orthopedic research center visiting scientist
성균관대학교 의과대학 삼성서울병원 정형외과학 교실 임상강사
세브란스병원 정형외과 레지던트 수료
세브란스병원 인턴수료
학회 활동
대한정형외과학회 의료평가윤리위원회 위원
대한정형외과학회 상대가치위원회 위원
대한정형외과학회 산학협력 TFT위원
대한운동계줄기세포재생의학회 부총무
대한운동계줄기세포재생의학회 보험위원회 위원 및 간사
대한슬관절학회 학술위원
대한슬관절학회 보험위원회 위원
수상 이력
2024. 제42차 대한슬관절학회 정기학술대회 우수포스터상
2024. OJSM William A. Grena Award for Best Original Research by AOSSM(미국정형외과스포츠의학회)
2023. 일산병원 명의
2022. 국민건강보험공단 이사장 표창
2022. 일산병원 학술우수상
2022. 대한관절경학회 제 42차 추계학술대회 최우수구연상
2019. 대한정형외과학회 제63차 국제학술대회 학술전시장려상
2015. 대한슬관절학회 최우수논문상
2013. 일산병원 학술우수상
2011. 대한정형외과학회 제55차 추계학술대회 Video전시 우수상
논문 활동
2024,교신저자,Scientific reports,SCI Graft choice to decrease the revision rate of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a nationwide retrospective cohort study
2024,교신저자,Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine,SCI Relationship Between Revision Rate, Osteoarthritis, and Obesity for ACL Reconstruction
2024,교신저자,Journal of Korean Fracture society,KCI Clinical Outcomes of Triple Tension Band Wirings in Comminuted Patellar Fracture: A Comparison with Conventional Tension Band Wiring
2024,교신저자,Knee Surgery & Related Research,KCI Efficacy of pulse oximetry for early diagnosis of pulmonary embolism after total knee arthroplasty
2023,공동저자,JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN ORTHOPAEDEDIC ASSOCIATION,KCI 고령의 고관절 골절 환자의 노인장기요양 서비스 현황 분석 / Analysis of the Current Status of Long-Term Care Services for Elderly Patients with Hip Fractures
2023, 교신저자, Journal of Clinical Medicine, SCI/SCIE
The Incidence Rate, Microbiological Etiology, and Results of Treatments of Prosthetic Joint Infection following Total Knee Arthroplasty
2023, 공동저자, Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, SCI/SCIE Particulated Costal Allocartilage With Microfracture Versus Microfracture Alone for Knee Cartilage Defects: A Multicenter, Prospective, Randomized, Participant- and Rater-Blinded Study
2023, 교신저자, Yonsei Medical Journal, 2023;64(5):313-319 SCI/SCIE
Combined PCL and PLC Reconstruction Improves Residual Laxity in PCL Injury Patients with Posterolateral KneeLaxity Less Than Grade III
2023, 교신저자,Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery,2023;15(3):395-401 SCI/SCIE Joint Replacement Surgery in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis in South Korea: Analysis of a Large National Database
2022,교신저자,Scientific reports,SCI/SCIE Mortality of septic knee arthritis in Korea: risk factors analysis of a large national database
2022, 교신저자, The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association, 2022;57(1):83-87, KCI
Synovial Chondromatosis in Knee Masquerading as Tuberculosis Arthritis
2022, 교신저자, The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association, 2022;57(2):167-171, KCI Septic Knee Arthritis Caused by Corynebacterium striatum
2021,교신저자,Medicine,2021;100(48):e28052,SCI Risk factors of postoperative complications following total knee arthroplasty in Korea : A nationwide retrospective cohort study
2021,공동저자,J Korean Fract Soc,2021;34(2):64-70 Comparison of Reductions of Left and Right Proximal Portions of Intertrochanteric Fractures Treated by Intramedullary Nailing
2021,교신저자,Scientific reports,2021;(11);15772,SCI Incidence and risk factors analysis for mortality after total knee arthroplasty based on a large national database in Korea
2020,공동저자,JBJS Case Connector,2020;10(1):e18.0062 Acute Gout Attack Immediately After Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Case Report
2020,공동저자,The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association,2020;Jun; 55(3):237-243,KCI Effect of posetoperative parathyroid hormone administation on osteoporotic intertrochanteric fractures of females/골다공증성 대퇴전자간 골절 여성 환자에서 수술 후 부갑상선 호르몬제제의 투여효과
2020,제1저자,PLOS one,e-pub,SCI What can the radiological parameters of superior migration of the humeral head etll us about the reparability of massive rotator cuff tears?
2020,제1저자,JBJS Case Connector,2020;10(1):e18.00366 Osteochondral fracture of posterior aspect of lateral femoral condyle following lateral patella dislocation: A Case Report
2020,제1저자,The journal of knee surgery,2020 Mar 17,SCI Radiographic prognostic factors relevant to surgical outcomes of arthroscopic partial medial meniscectomy in elderly patients with mild osteoarthritis
2020,공동저자,The journal of knee surgery,2020;01:1-98,SCI The Effect of Cartilage Lesion in the Lateral Compartment of the Knee on the Surgical Outcome of Medial Open-Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy
2020,공동저자,Anesthesia & pain medicine,2020;15:35-40 Does desflurane need more irrigating-pump pressure for the visibility in arthroscopic shoulder surgery than sevoflurane?
2019,공동저자,BMC musculoskeletal disorder,2019;20(1):607,SCI The effect of medial open wedge high tibial osteotomy on the patellofemoral joint: comparative analysis according to the preexisting cartilage status.
2019,교신저자,The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association,2019;54(1)::67-71,KCI The Septic Knee Arthritis Caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae in a Patient with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Osteoarthritis of the Knee
2018,교신저자한국의지·보조기 학회지2018;12:1-3 Operative Treatment in Degenerative Osteoarthritis of Knee
2018,공동저자,Journal of Korean Foot and Ankle Society,2018;22(3):116-119,KCI Chronic Multiple Gouty Arthritis Diagnosed during Anti-Tuberculosis Treatment of Recurrent Tuberculosis Arthritis : A Case Report
2018,교신저자,Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery,2018;10:315-321,SCI/SCIE Does obesity affect clinical and radiological outcomes in minimally invasive total knee arthroplasty?
2018,공동저자,Knee Surgery & Related Research,2018;30(2):147-152 Treatment of Recurrent Hemarthrosis after Total Knee Arthroplasty.
2017,교신저자,Knee Surgery & Related Research,2017;29(3):189-194 Extramedullary Tibial Bone Cutting Using Medial Cortical Line in Total Knee Arthroplasty
2017,공동저자대한골절학회지(Journal of Korean Fracture Society),2017;30(3):137-141 Atypical Insufficiency Fracture of the Tibia Taking Prolonged Bisphosphonate Drug - case report/장기간 비스포스포네이트 복용중인 환자에서의 경골에 발생한 비전형 골절 양상의 부전골절-증례보고
2016,교신저자,Yonsei Medical Journal2016;57(1):225-31,SCI Radiologic Outcomes According to Varus Deformity in Minimally Invasive Surgery Total Knee Arthroplasty.
2015,공동저자일산병원 학술지(Medial Journal of National Health Insurance Service Ilsan Hospital),2015;14:114-117 Analysis of Delirium in Patients after orthopedic Surgery/정형외과 수술을 받은 노인환자에서 섬망에 대한 분석
2015,공동저자,Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy,2015;23(12)3601-3606,SCI Prevention of pseudo-patella baja during total knee arthroplasty.
2015,공동저자,Knee Surgery & Related Research,2015;27(4):233-239,KCI Manipulation under Anesthesia for Stiffness after Total Knee Arthroplasty.
2015,공동저자,Journal of the Korean Orthopedic Association,2015;50(2): 165-169,KCI Thoracic Epidural Cavernous Hemangioma / 흉추부의 경막 외 해면 혈관종
2015,교신저자,Yonsei Medical Journal,2015;56(2):454-9,SCI How to minimize rotational conflict between femoral & tibial component in total knee arthroplasty: the use of femoro-tibial axial synchronizer (Linker).
2015,교신저자,Korean J Sports Medicine,2015;33(1):1-5,KCI The Effect of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy for Calcific Tendinitis of the Shoulder / 체외 충격파치료를 이용한 견관절 석회화 건염의 치료 효과
2014,교신저자,Knee Surgery & Related Research,2014;26(3):149-154,KCI Minimum 5 years Follow-up Results of Minimally Invasive Total Knee Arthroplasty using Mini-Keel Modular Tibial Implant.
2014,공동저자,Journal of Arthroplasty,2014;29:2271-2275,SCI E Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty in Infection Sequelae About the Native Knee.
2013,교신저자,일산병원 학술지(Medial Journal of National Health Insurance Service Ilsan Hospital),2013;12: Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Patients Aged Over 50 Years / 50세 이상 환자에서의 전방십자인대 재건술
2013,교신저자,Yonsei Medical Journal,2013;54(6):1505-10,SCI Easy identification of mechanical axis during total knee arthroplasty.
2013,교신저자,Knee Surgery & Related Research,2013;25(2):60-64,KCI Soft Tissue Balancing of Varus Arthritic Knee in Minimally Invasive Surgery Total Knee Arthroplasty: Comparison between Posterior Oblique Ligament Release and Superficial MCL Release
2013,교신저자,Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy,2013;21:1869-74,SCI The comparative efficacies of intra-articular and IV tranexamic acid for reducing blood loss during total knee arthroplasty.
2013,교신저자,Journal of Korean Bone and Joint Tumor Society,2013;19(1):37-41,KCI Solitary Ancient Schwannoma in Upper Arm: A Case Roport / 상완에 발생한 고립성 고대 신경초종: 증례보고
2013,교신저자,Journal of Orthopedic pain Society,2013;4(1):22-26 Diagnosis and Treatment of Anterior Knee Pain Syndrome./전방 슬관절 동통 증후군의 진단 및 치료
2012,교신저자,Korean J Sports Medicine,2012;30(2):148-151,KCI A Case of Deep Vein Thrombosis in Common Iliac Vein after Arthroscopic Partial Menisectomy.
2012,공동저자,Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy,2012;20(3):538-545,SCI Mechanical axis-derived femoral component rotation in extramedullary total knee arthroplasty: a comparison between femoral transverse axis and transepicondylar axis.
2012,공동저자,Acta Orthopedica,2012;83(1):53-58,SCI How precise is the identification of the center of the femoral head during total knee arthroplasty?
2012,공동저자,Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy,2012;20:1339-1348,SCI An alternative method to create extramedullary references in total knee arthroplasty.
2012,공동저자,Journal of Bone Joint Surgery British,2012;94-B:908-13,SCI A case-control study of spontaneous patellar fractures following primary total knee replacement.